AMI IYÖK Booster Calm 360º - Warrior I 15x2ml
AMI IYÖK Booster Calm 360º - Warrior I 15x2ml
Booster Calm 360º aims to create a biocompatible barrier with the skin and protect the existing microflora, isolate it from external agents and make the bacteria reproduce. This makes it a great ally for stressed skin, with a tendency to redness, acne and inflammatory problems in general, without neglecting the fight against photo-aging thanks to its anti-glycation and anti-oxidant active ingredients such as Kombu Nectar TM with its own patent and efficiency test studies.
*Please note that Booster Calm 360 may vary from batch to batch due to the high amount of natural actives that vary from batch to batch, and the complexity of the formula.
Restore the protective barrier of the skin
Helps skin with severe dryness problems
Promotes the formation of ceramides
Regenerative capacity of collagen.
Reduces the appearance of spots.
Clarifies the tone giving uniformity.
Improves the symptoms of rosacea.
Antioxidant, free radicals.
Source of prebiotics.
Firmer and softer skin
Booster Calm 360º aims to create a biocompatible barrier with the skin and protect the existing microflora, isolate it from external agents and make the bacteria reproduce. This makes it a great ally for stressed skin, with a tendency to redness, acne and inflammatory problems in general, without neglecting the fight against photo-aging thanks to its anti-glycation and anti-oxidant active ingredients such as Kombu Nectar TM with its own patent and efficiency test studies.
*Please note that Booster Calm 360 may vary from batch to batch due to the high amount of natural actives that vary from batch to batch, and the complexity of the formula.
Restore the protective barrier of the skin
Helps skin with severe dryness problems
Promotes the formation of ceramides
Regenerative capacity of collagen.
Reduces the appearance of spots.
Clarifies the tone giving uniformity.
Improves the symptoms of rosacea.
Antioxidant, free radicals.
Source of prebiotics.
Firmer and softer skin
Dadi Verified review
PositivesUdržuje pleť v dobré kondici, nedělají se mi pupínky, případný jeden je bleskurychle zahojen.
Inna Nevidoma Verified review
PositivesGeniální!!! Jako fakt. Mám spotřebováno pouze 5 ampulek a jsem z toho úplně paf. Dělají zázraky na počkanou. Vše co slibuje výrobce. Všechny končetiny ...more
Lenka Mikulová Verified review
PositivesPříjemné ampulky, velmi rychle zklidnily dehydratovanou pleť po návratu z tropů a pleť velmi pěkně sjednotily
Kateřina Šrámková Verified review
PositivesTuto terapeutickou kůru jsem si koupila čistě ze zájmu, reálně velké problémy jako vrásky, pigmentace aj. neřeším. Můžu říct, že jsem mile překvapena! ...more