Innermost The Recover Capsules 60 capsules

Innermost The Recover Capsules 60 capsules

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I feel drained at the end of the day…But you don’t have to.

If you’re the kind of person that likes to push yourself to the max in whatever you do - whether it’s work, the gym, or anything else - then you need something that will help you keep smashing your goals.

That’s why we created The Recover Capsules. Formulated by leading nutritionists, The Recover Capsules were designed to help you recover from whatever the day has thrown your way. Crafted to support muscle recovery and hormone activity, don’t take on the day without them.

Support muscle recovery
Ensure speedy repair and recovery of muscles post workout, with anti-inflammatory ingredients that help your body manage and respond to physical stress

Improve hormone activity
Keep hormone balances healthy with a restorative supplement that corrects imbalances whilst keeping you feeling energised.

Nootropics and adaptogens
Nootropic and adaptogenic ingredients work with your body's own balance to enhance your natural ability to manage physical and mental stressors.

Easy to use
Simply take two capsules per day - we recommend post workout or at the end of your day. You have 30 days' worth in a jar.


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I feel drained at the end of the day…But you don’t have to.

If you’re the kind of person that likes to push yourself to the max in whatever you do - whether it’s work, the gym, or anything else - then you need something that will help you keep smashing your goals.

That’s why we created The Recover Capsules. Formulated by leading nutritionists, The Recover Capsules were designed to help you recover from whatever the day has thrown your way. Crafted to support muscle recovery and hormone activity, don’t take on the day without them.

Support muscle recovery
Ensure speedy repair and recovery of muscles post workout, with anti-inflammatory ingredients that help your body manage and respond to physical stress

Improve hormone activity
Keep hormone balances healthy with a restorative supplement that corrects imbalances whilst keeping you feeling energised.

Nootropics and adaptogens
Nootropic and adaptogenic ingredients work with your body's own balance to enhance your natural ability to manage physical and mental stressors.

Easy to use
Simply take two capsules per day - we recommend post workout or at the end of your day. You have 30 days' worth in a jar.


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Is this product only for when I´m injured?

No, the Recover Capsules are packed with vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins that support bodily function in a number of different ways. Not only should help you avoid getting injured and support faster recovery from your workouts, they also contain ingredients such as vitamin D and selenium, which support a healthy immune system and regulate optimal hormone activity.

As with all nutritional supplements, it’s always best to speak with your doctor first if you're pregnant or breastfeeding as they’ll have more knowledge on your individual circumstances.

This product is vegan, cruelty free, gluten free, lactose free, soy free, halal, suitable for kosher diets, non-GMO, and free from all 14 major allergens. Furthermore, the product contains no artificial fillers, bulking agents or colours, and our packaging is 100% recyclable.

Take 2 capsules daily after exercise or before you go to sleep.

Serving Sizes: One jar of The Recover Capsules contains 30 servings if following the above directions. That's about one month's worth if consuming daily.

Works Well With: The Strong Protein to maximise strength and muscle gains.

ZMA, ubiquinone CoQ10, selenium and vitamin D all play a role in metabolism, muscle growth and immune system function. ZMA and ubiquinone CoQ10 also promote energy levels, while selenium and vitamin D have been shown to protect the body from disease and infection.

Chocamine is a naturally active ingredient that provides wide-reaching health benefits due to its rich amino acid profile, nutritious minerals and flavanols. The amino acids and minerals promote increased energy, endurance and stamina, while flavanols promote healthy circulation and muscle growth. It also has been shown to improve mood and concentration.

Maca contains properties that reduce physical stress, which increase endurance and decrease fatigue. They are a part of a select group of ingredients that also support focus and performance. Nootropics have many other helpful effects to improve your fitness, such as boosting motivation and energy.

The Recover Capsules after your workout or before bed.
The Focus Capsules when you wake up in the morning.
The Tone Capsules with your breakfast or lunch.
The Digest Capsules before your main meal of the day.
The Relax Capsules before you go to bed at night.